Welcome everyone!
This page lists our upcoming events in 2024. You can also pick up a leaflet with all our events when you visit The Ship.
Please note! Coming soon! our Events for 2025 will soon be published in November, look under the link on our Shipinnarts website under Events 2025.
If you would like to be put on our Mailing List, please email shipinnarts@gmail.com – you will receive an email monthly about events coming up for the next month.
Purchase Tickets:
Tickets from Eventbrite. You can also purchase tickets directly by ringing The Ship on 01189 814504 (inc. Earlybird Tickets). Early Booking is Advised. Please bring cash if paying on the door, thank you.
All tickets are non-refundable – tickets may be exchanged for another performance providing it is within 48 hours of the advertised start time of the event. Bar open during all events.
Open Mics 7pm – FREE – 1st Friday of every month in Feb, Mar, May, Jun, July, Sept, Oct, Nov and Dec. Bar open all evening. Bar snacks only. Open to all who need a platform to share what they love. Just turn up. If you just want to call in and have a drink, please do.
Tuesday Crafts at Shipinnarts 11 – 2pm – 2nd Tuesday of each month in 2024. In 2025 there will be 3 craft sessions a year, please keep an eye on the Website for when these will be. A Shipinnarts facebook message will be sent out. Bring own lunch. Tea and coffee provided. £5 per session unless otherwise stated. Bring your own craft, learn a new skill with a resident crafter (crochet, knitting, weaving, macrame, painting, sewing and jewellery). Occasionally themed. Or just come and join us and chat. Ring The Ship to book your place.
The Ship venue is available for hire at a reasonable cost. If you would like to hold a workshop of your own, or a concert, or hire The Ship for rehearsals/recording, please ring The Ship: 01189 814504. January to April , and September to November each year, are ideal months to hold workshops.
November 1st Friday Open Mic 7pm
November 9th & 23rd Saturday Flautissimo II with Alison Pickering – come and join us for our monthly rehearsal! 12midday – 1pm – we are a lovely group of 4 Flute players and we would love to encourage more people to come and join us! Sometimes rehearsals are in Newbury. Please bring £5 cash when you come. Contact Alison Pickering, email: alisonjpickering30@gmail.com
November 5th Tuesday Crafts at Shipinnarts 11am – 2pm
November 1st, 8th, 15th, 22nd and 29th Friday Recorder Choir with Alison Pickering – (18 years and up). Come and join us! 7.30pm – 8.45pm. Please bring £5 cash. Even if you can’t read notes, or have limited knowledge of recorder, come along! If you don’t have a recorder you will be advised which one to get. Alison is hoping to have the full range of recorders eventually! Sopranino, Descant, Tenor, Treble and Bass recorders. Contact Alison Pickering, email: alisonjpickering30@gmail.com

December 1st Sunday Festival of Light 3 – 5pm – FAMILY EVENT
An immersive and creative afternoon in Christmassy atmosphere. For adults/children. Come and relax glass painting and making garlands to hang, or put on the table. Tickets £5 for Adults and £5 Children, and £4 for refreshments, please bring cash. Children must be accompanied by an adult. Recorder Choir and Flautissimo II (flute choir) will be playing some pieces for this event. Lights off and showing our crafts at 4.30pm. “The Night before Christmas” story will be read.
Tickets £5 for Adults and £5 Children, (£4 for refreshments) – please bring cash, thank you.
December 6th Friday Open Mic 7pm
December 6th Friday Recorder Choir 7.30pm – 8.45pm, please bring £5 cash.
December 7th Saturday Flautissimo II with Alison Pickering – come and join us for our monthly rehearsal! 12midday – 1pm – we are a lovely group of 4 Flute players and we would love to encourage more people to come and join us! Sometimes rehearsals are held in Newbury. Please bring £5 cash when you come. Contact Alison Pickering, email: alisonjpickering30@gmail.com
December 10th Tuesday Crafts at Shipinnarts 11am – 2pm
December 13th Friday Carols and Cakes at The Ship 6.30pm come and join us singing carols, we would love to have you with us! Bar Open. Free event.
We wish you all a very Happy Christmas and a very Happy New Year 2025! Thank you so much for coming to our events over the year – we hope to see you here again in 2025! warmest wishes from all the team at Shipinnarts
Our Covid Policy: At Shipinnarts we are doing our best to keep safe from Covid. If you feel at all unwell on an event day, please stay at home. Thank you. Please ring us on 01189 814504.
Shipinnarts reserves the right to change artists or programmes as necessary. Last Updated: 24/10/2024