March 3rd Sunday 3 – 5pm FAMILY EVENT ‘The Hands-On Company Puppets with Jo’
The children enjoy a puppet show with Jo Bryant, they make sock puppets and use them to create their own puppet shows. Tickets £10 for children, Adults FREE. Children must be accompanied by an adult. Biscuits and drinks included in price. Tickets Eventbrite/ring The Ship 01189 814504 – cash on the door on the day please.
July 20th Saturday 3pm – 5pm – FAMILY EVENT Join us for this immersive event of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs – dressing up as characters – wonderful fun and fantasy! Tea will be served. £15 for adults and £5 for children. Family ticket 2 adults and 2 children £35. Tickets Eventbrite/The Ship 01189 814504 – please bring cash if paying on the door. Best to book early as we have limited capacity of seats.
December 1st Sunday Festival of Light 3 – 5pm – FAMILY EVENT – an immersive and creative afternoon. For adults/children. Come and make things which shine and glow. Tickets £5 for Adults and £5 Children. Children must be accompanied by an adult.